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This is YouWin Consulting

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We aim to cre­ate an open envi­ron­ment for your busi­ness to thrive in Chi­na: from set­ting up sim­ple step-by-step process­es to clean com­mu­ni­ca­tion & man­age­ment — we aim to help!

Cost Effective Solutions

We aim to make our pric­ing reflect­ing client needs: from work­ing with indi­vid­u­als just enter­ing the Chi­nese mar­ket or grad­u­at­ing, to cor­po­rate enti­ties that need help with man­ag­ing the for­eign employ­ees and work per­mits — we cus­tom tai­lor those solu­tions for you!


The process­es of set­ting up com­pa­ny in Chi­na can be over­whelm­ing, not only the process itself, but also the Account­ing, Visa, Social Insur­ance. In YouWin — we have ded­i­cat­ed employ­ees with spe­cial­i­ty in each of the aspects of run­ning com­pa­ny in Chi­na — which will han­dle process­es in-house, with­out need for out­sourc­ing or mul­ti­ple com­mu­ni­ca­tion groups — all in one place.

Efficient Communication

Our Com­pa­ny & Indi­vid­ual account man­agers help you to stay on track with your dai­ly oper­a­tions, from issu­ing the invoic­es, to send­ing reminders about required task to do to main­tain legal com­pa­ny oper­a­tions — we keep it sim­ple and in one place. Our bilin­gual com­mu­ni­ca­tion team help you to main­tain your busi­ness, even if you are cur­rent­ly not resid­ing in Chi­na — its all pos­si­ble with YouWin!

Time Management

Our focus is your time — we set­up process for your com­pa­ny or employ­ees to help you fin­ish your tasks in time­ly man­ner — with daily/​weekly reminders to sub­mit doc­u­ments, prepar­ing time­frame for oper­a­tions or answer­ing your ques­tions — we do it, so you can focus on what you do best — focus­ing on your business.

Simple Approach

YouWin Con­sult­ing approach is sim­ple: for all the com­pa­ny & busi­ness oper­a­tions we have estab­lished steps with time-frame, which you should fol­low to com­plete the task. With this in mind — you can save a lot of time and effort by let­ting us to man­age your process­es in YouWin. We have tem­plates to fill in for most of the process­es includ­ing com­pa­ny reg­is­tra­tion, account­ing and HR, where we sup­ply them to increase the suc­cess rate for your application.
More Details

Efficient processes for setting up, managing & implementing solutions for Companies in China.

YouWin Con­sult­ing helps you to build up your pres­ence in Chi­na. We aim to cre­ate and man­age process­es for com­pa­nies & indi­vid­u­als, which are inter­est­ed in expand­ing their brands on the local Chi­nese mar­ket. We pro­vide all ser­vices in-house, with ded­i­cat­ed bilin­gual staff for each customer.

Nicky HouCater­ing Com­pa­ny, Life­Fun Since 1938

Life­Fun is a com­bi­na­tion of Chi­nese and West­ern cater­ing com­pa­ny, and we need a lot of for­eign chefs. Some for­eign Chefs with the help of Youwin went though the process of obtain­ing Chi­nese Work Visa and Res­i­dence Per­mit very smooth­ly. The coöper­a­tion with Youwin was very effi­cient!

Mr. YangVisa Ser­vices

They are very patient and pro­fes­sion­al. The appli­ca­tion process is more com­pli­cat­ed than a nor­mal visa appli­ca­tion because my par­tic­u­lar appli­ca­tion sit­u­a­tion, which is my hus­band and I are both Chi­nese but my chil­dren are for­eign­ers. The con­sul­tants of YouWin were very kind enough to help me with the nation­al­i­ty ver­i­fi­ca­tion and suc­cess­ful­ly applied for visas for them! This is real­ly a big favor!

Mr. WangVisa Ser­vices

I have 2 grand­chil­dren. They live in New Zealand. I miss them very much and want them come back, but I don’t how to deal with every­thing. Thanks for YouWin’s team. They help us to pre­pare doc­u­ments step by step in this com­pli­cat­ed sit­u­a­tion. Final­ly our visa approved! Real­ly appre­ci­ate!

Nel­sonCom­pa­ny Own­er, Asi­az­zon: Whole­sale Life Solu­tions

I came to Chi­na in 2018 and study Chi­nese for one year. I know YouWin through one of my best friend. I have set­up the busi­ness with their help. At first I did not under­stand Chi­na’s Tax Pol­i­cy, which is much dif­fer­ent from my home coun­try. They explained to me patient­ly. Now I’m a tax spe­cial­ist!

Mr LanHR Man­ag­er, Yot­ta Game Stu­dio

It has been 4 years since we coöper­ate with YouWin’s team. They helped a lot for our for­eign­ers’ employ­ment. Youwin always gives us the appro­pri­ate advice in time and help us apply through pro­fes­sion­al ways. Now our for­eign col­league depart­ment is grow­ing.

Take the leap today and start exploring possibilities to setup & expand your business services in China

Visa Services

Work Per­mit – Res­i­dence Per­mit – Visa Extension

Company Services

Office Reg­is­tra­tion – Name Reg­is­tra­tion – Bank Account – Dai­ly Operations

Accounting Services

Tax Dec­la­ra­tion – Book­keep­ing – VAT & Stan­dard Invoic­es – Finan­cial Advice

Other Services

Trade­mark Reg­is­tra­tion – HK Com­pa­ny Reg­is­tra­tion – Over­seas Bank Account
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