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Shanghai YouWin Business Consulting Co., Ltd.

Shang­hai YouWin Busi­ness Con­sult­ing Co., Ltd. (上海友云商务咨询有限公司), was estab­lished in 2014, and our aim is to “help, build influ­ence and vis­i­bil­i­ty” for our clients. The main focus of our com­pa­ny is to pro­vide all-in-one solu­tions for for­eign com­pa­nies & entre­pre­neurs who are look­ing to estab­lish their pres­ence in China.

The com­pa­ny has branch­es in Zhe­jiang, Guangzhou and Hong Kong. We serve glob­al cus­tomers dai­ly, with major­i­ty being locat­ed in Europe, USA, Japan, Korea, Macao & Taiwan.


We aim to improve efficiency.

Our process­es are all han­dled in-house, from the start of the com­pa­ny reg­is­tra­tion, to pro­cess­ing your legal doc­u­ments and visa — our con­sul­tants are avail­able to help you every step of the way.


He help to oversee the process from start to finish.

We aim to han­dle each appli­ca­tion with care, no mat­ter the size of the com­pa­ny. We process the exten­sion, can­cel­la­tion and trans­fers, as well as stream­line your account­ing process. As a com­pa­ny or an entre­pre­neur, we aim to make your life easier.


We help you to navigate complex Chinese legal system.

Chi­nese tax, social secu­ri­ty or bank pro­cess­ing can be dif­fi­cult, espe­cial­ly if you are not very famil­iar with lan­guage and cul­ture. We can process your dai­ly oper­a­tions, help you with inter­na­tion­al trans­fers and fund release with your bank, and pro­vide you with detailed expla­na­tion of how the social secu­ri­ty sys­tem work in Chi­na. We help to open the accounts for the com­pa­ny own­er and for­eign employ­ees, and man­age daily/​monthly oper­a­tions efficiently.


Tai­lored Solutions

Why choose us?

YouWin is a Con­sult­ing com­pa­ny that focus­es on excel­lence in process of estab­lish­ing your busi­ness in Chi­na, whether you are a fresh grad­u­ate — star­ing your first busi­ness jour­ney, or a estab­lished busi­ness — look­ing to stream­line your process­es, we have solu­tions for you.

Dis­cov­er our Services

Bilingual Service

With more than 10 years of work­ing with for­eign busi­ness­es, we pro­vide one-to-one bilin­gual con­sult­ing for our clients.

Risk prevention and control

Strength­en the con­trol of finan­cial risks and avoid finan­cial and tax risks

High success rate

To pro­vide cus­tomized ser­vice for cus­tomers with com­plex sit­u­a­tion to ensure high suc­cess rate, and no charge for failure

One-stop enterprise service

Cov­er­ing the start-up peri­od, growth peri­od and matu­ri­ty peri­od of enter­pris­es to meet all kinds of needs

Meet Our Consultants

Our team is expe­ri­enced and moti­vat­ed to help you devel­op the best solu­tions for start­ing, man­ag­ing or trans­form­ing you busi­ness in China.

“We help you every step of the way, so do not hes­i­tate to con­tact us if you have any ques­tions regard­ing busi­ness in China.” 

Suki ChengCEO – Director
CEO | Director

Suki Cheng


2.Suki Code

Phone: +86 18817839101
Email: suki@​youwin-​sha.​com

Visa Operations Consultant

Chloe Chen


4. Chloe Code

Phone: +86 19542814098
Email: chloe@​youwin-​sha.​com

Company Registration Specialist

Kali Mei


3. Kali Code

Phone: +86 18221672264
Email: kali@​youwin-​sha.​com


Joy Miao


5. Joy Code

Phone: +86 13916845060
Email: joy@​youwin-​sha.​com

General Operation Manager

Carson Hu


7. Carson Code

Phone: +86 13004111388
Email: carson@​youwin-​sha.​com

If you are ready to start to explore business opportunities in China, please have a look at our services.

Visa Services

- Work Permit
– Res­i­dence Permit
– Visa Extension

Company Registration

- Office Registration
– Name Registration
– Bank Account
– Dai­ly Operations

Accounting Services

- Tax Declaration
– Bookkeeping
– VAT & Stan­dard Invoices
– Finan­cial Advice

Other Services

- Trade­mark Registration
– HK Com­pa­ny Registration
– Over­seas Bank Account

Our Locations

Feel free to give us a call and schedule appointment
to visit our offices for free consulting meeting.


+86 4008−051−009
Room 2111, Hengfeng Road 218, Jin­gan Dis­trict, Shang­hai, China
Exit 4 Hanzhong Road Metro Station


+86 400−808−3060
12/F, Build­ing B, Fut­ian Gin­za, No. 99, Finan­cial Busi­ness Dis­trict, Fut­ian Street, Yiwu, Zhe­jiang, China


+86 400−9999−793
20th Floor, Guang­dong Inter­na­tion­al Build­ing, No. 339, East Huan­shi Road, Guangzhou, Guang­dong, China

Hong Kong

Unit 04–05, 16/F, Bohui Build­ing, 54–62 Lock­hart Road, Wan­chai, Hong Kong, China


+86 4008−051−009
上海市静安区恒丰路 218 号 2111


+86 400−808−3060
浙江省义乌市福田街道金融商务区金融 6 街 99 号福田银座‑B 座 12 层 


+86 400−9999−793
广东省广州市环市东路 339 号广东国际大厦主楼 20 层


中国香港湾仔骆克道 54–62 号博汇大厦 16 楼 04–05 单元 

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