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Visa Services

Visa Services

Visa Services

Visa Services

Work permit is also called work permit card.


  1. Doc­u­ments Prepa­ra­tion; find doc­u­ment list bellow
  2. Online Doc­u­ment Sub­mis­sion & Appli­ca­tion (2 work­ing days)
  3. Feed­back from Chi­nese Labor Bureau (approx 5 work­ing days)
  4. Approval Process (approx 7–10 days)
  5. Col­lec­tion of the Work Per­mit Card

Did you know?

  • Work per­mit is a proof of your employee–employer rela­tion­ship and required to obtain to work legal­ly in China.

Work Permit based on the China category sysytem:

  • Cat­e­go­ry A, which main for the per­son whose annu­al salary above 600,000 RMB
  • Cat­e­go­ry B, which main for who has bach­e­lor degree(or above) and 2 years relat­ed work­ing expe­ri­ence. If don’t have, don’t wor­ry, you can use the 60 points sys­tem (click to see the attached pic­ture detail)
  • Cat­e­go­ry C, which main for the fresh graduates.

The residence permit in China looks just like a visa and is pasted into your passport very similarly.

Advan­tages of res­i­dence permit:

  • You can enter and exit Chi­na with­out any lim­its
  • The stay peri­od is usu­al­ly for one year
  • You can work and stay legal­ly in China


  1. Phys­i­cal Exam­i­na­tion (we will sched­ule appoint­ment for you) (approx. 4 work­ing days)
  2. Res­i­dence Address Reg­is­tra­tion Online (1 work­ing day)
  3. Appli­ca­tion Sub­mis­sion in Entry-Exit Immi­gra­tion Bureau (1 work­ing day)
  4. Pro­cess­ing & Immi­gra­tion Bureau Feed­back (approx. 7 work­ing days)
  5. Pass­port Collection

We provide comprehensive service to assist you with the various visa categories extension:

  • Q1&Q2 visa
    Rel­a­tives of Chi­nese cit­i­zens resid­ing in Chi­na and rel­a­tives of for­eign­ers with Chi­nese per­ma­nent res­i­dence qual­i­fi­ca­tions who vis­it their rel­a­tives in China.
  • S1&S2 visa
    Spous­es, par­ents, chil­dren under the age of 18, par­ents of spous­es of for­eign­ers who have stayed in Chi­na for work, study and oth­er rea­sons to vis­it their fam­i­lies for a long time, and per­sons who need to stay in Chi­na for oth­er pri­vate affairs.
  • Busi­ness visa
    For busi­ness inves­ti­ga­tion, project guid­ance and sports events in China.
  • Tourist visa
    Cur­rent­ly ser­vice is susspended.

Process vary depend­ing on the type of the visa exten­sion required, but gen­er­al­ly con­sists of:

  1. Col­lec­tion of Doc­u­ments (Q1, Q2, S1, S2, Fam­i­ly Cer­tifi­cate Ver­i­fied by the Embassy)
  2. Sub­mis­sion in Exit/​Entry Immi­gra­tion Bureau (pro­cess­ing time approx. 7 work­ing days).
  3. Pass­port Collection

YouWin will pro­vide you with the nec­es­sary doc­u­ments list & assist with col­lec­tion and cer­ti­fi­ca­tion process.

Requirements for Family Residence Permit:

  • If your hus­band or wife work in Chi­na, you can apply fam­i­ly visa
  • If your direct­ly-relat­ed mem­bers fam­i­ly are Chi­nese, you can apply fam­i­ly visa
  • If your mother/​father/​children wants to come live with you, while you have work visa in Chi­na, they can apply for fam­i­ly visa.

Please pre­pare the Rela­tion­ship Cer­tifi­cate and Certification.

We will help you apply within 7 working days.

Requirements for Permanent Residence Card:

  • If you work in Chi­na more than 4 years continuously
  • If you are mar­ried with Chi­nese Cit­i­zen for more than 4 years

Con­tact us to check if you meet the con­di­tions for apply­ing for per­ma­nent residence.

How to start New Chinese Visa Application?

  1. Pre­pare doc­u­ments required for new application
  2. We apply the Work Per­mit Notice for you
  3. Apply Z visa in Chi­nese embassy from abroad
  4. Come in and fin­ish the quar­an­tine (7+3days)
  5. We apply the Work Per­mit card for you
  6. We apply the Work Res­i­dence Per­mit for you

If you already in Chi­na with oth­er type visa, con­grat­u­la­tions, we just pro­ceed the step 1 、 step 5 and step 6.

Doc­u­ments required:

  1. 申请人护照首页;
    Pass­port pho­to page scanning;
  2. 最高学历证书原件(学士学位及以上),以及公证认证原件。
    The high­est diplo­ma (Bach­e­lor or above) , the orig­i­nal must be sent to Chi­nese embassy for certification.
  3. 公司开具可以证明申请人自大学毕业之后算起满两年以上的相关工作经验证明信原件。
    The work­ing expe­ri­ence let­ter issued by com­pa­ny which can prove the appli­cant has com­plet­ed more than two years relat­ed work expe­ri­ence after graduation.
  4. 申请人的境外无犯罪记录证明原件,以及公证认证原件。
    No crim­i­nal record cer­tifi­cate and cer­tifi­cat­ed by Chi­nese embassy.
  5. 白底彩照电子档
    Elec­tron­ic pic­tures with background
  6. 劳动合同或派遣函
    Labor con­tract or dis­patch letter
  7. 个人简历一份
    Elec­tron­ic Resume


当申请人入境后 24 小时之内及时去派出所或酒店办理住宿登记。并去医院体检。
After the appli­cant entered Chi­na, need to go to the police sta­tion or hotel for reg­is­tra­tion with­in 24 hours. And do the physic exam­i­na­tion (we’ll make appoint­ment for you).

Time cost:

工作许可通知 15 个工作日;工作许可证 15 个工作日;工作签证 7 个工作日;
The work per­mit notice takes 10–15 work­ing days
Work per­mit card takes 10–15 work­ing days
Work res­i­dence per­mit takes 7 work­ing days

How to renew Chinese Visa in the same company?

  1. Pre­pare doc­u­ments required for renew­al (See the attached doc­u­ments list)
  2. We help renew Work Per­mit card for you
  3. We help renew Work Res­i­dence Per­mit for you

Doc­u­ments required:

  1. 申请人护照首页/居留许可页/最新入境章页扫描;
    Pass­port photo/​work visa page/​last entry stamp page scanning;
  2. 工作许可证正反面扫描件;
    Both sides of work per­mit scanning;
  3. 劳动合同或派遣函
    Labor con­tract or dis­patch letter
  4. 临时住宿登记单
    Tem­po­rary res­i­dence reg­is­tra­tion paper;

Time cost:

工作许可延期(5–10 个工作日);工作签证延期(7 个工作日)
Work per­mit renew­al(5–10 work­ing days)
Work res­i­dence per­mit renew(7 work­ing days)

What is the procedure to legally change your job in China?

  1. Pre­pare doc­u­ments required for Changing
  2. We help renew Work Per­mit card for you
  3. We help renew Work Res­i­dence Per­mit for you

Doc­u­ments required:

  1. 申请人护照首页/居留许可页/最新入境章页扫描
    Pass­port photo/​work visa page/​last entry stamp page scanning
  2. 最高学历证书原件(学士学位及以上),以及公证认证原件
    The high­est diplo­ma (Bach­e­lor or above) , the orig­i­nal must be sent to Chi­nese embassy for certification
  3. 公司开具可以证明申请人自大学毕业之后算起满两年以上的相关工作经验证明信原件
    The work­ing expe­ri­ence let­ter issued by com­pa­ny which can prove the appli­cant has com­plet­ed more than two years relat­ed work expe­ri­ence after graduation
  4. 与新单位的劳动合同或派遣函
    Labor con­tract or dis­patch let­ter with the new employ­ment company
  5. 上家单位离职证明原件
    Orig­i­nal employ­ment sep­a­ra­tion let­ter from the pre­vi­ous company
  6. 上家注销单原件
    Orig­i­nal work per­mit can­cel­la­tion paper from the pre­vi­ous company
  7. 住宿登记单
    Tem­po­rary res­i­dence reg­is­tra­tion paper

Time cost:

新单位工作许可证 15 个工作日;新单位工作签证 7 个工作日;
Work per­mit takes 10–15 work­ing days
Res­i­dence per­mit takes 7 work­ing days

What are the steps to do when you finish or cancell your job in China?

  1. Pre­pare doc­u­ments required for Can­cel­la­tion (See the attached doc­u­ments list
  2. We help can­cel Work Per­mit card for you
  3. We help can­cel Work Res­i­dence Per­mit for you

Doc­u­ments required:

  1. 申请人护照
  2. 申请人工作许可证
    Work per­mit card
  3. 单位离职证明原件
    Orig­i­nal employ­ment sep­a­ra­tion letter
  4. 住宿登记单
    Tem­po­rary res­i­dence reg­is­tra­tion paper


申请人离职 10 天内要及时办理注销相关手续。
Appli­cant should start the can­cel­la­tion process with­in 10 days after fin­ish the job.

Time cost:

工作许可注销 3–5 个工作日;居留许可注销 5 个工作日;
The work per­mit can­cel­la­tion takes 3–5 work­ing days
Work res­i­dence per­mit can­cel­la­tion takes 5 work­ing days

What to do when my Chinese Visa Expired or Overstayed?

You don’t have to pan­ic when your visa expires. There is a stan­dard pro­ce­dure to fol­low when you have over­stayed your visa in China:
  1. Check your type of visa & over­s­ta time to cal­cu­late how many days you have overstayed
  2. If your over­stay is with­in 10 days — the Exit Entry Bureau of Chi­na Immi­gra­tion will issue a warn­ing only
  3. If you over­stay above 10 days — please be pre­pared to pay a fine of 500 RMB per day + warn­ing from the Bureau.
  4. Bring your pass­port & res­i­dence reg­is­tra­tion doc­u­ment to Immi­gra­tion Bureau and explain the rea­son of over­stay (exam­ples: quar­an­tine, no flight, sick­ness — and pre­pare a proof of that reason)
  5. Immi­gra­tion Bureau of Exit/​Entry in Chi­na will issue 1 month Stay Visa Type with­in 7 work­ing days.
  6. Col­lect your passport.

Company Services

Company Services

Company Services

Company Services

How can we help with Opening Company and when?

  • If you have a good busi­ness plan, have resources and con­tacts for trading
  • If you want to do your own business
  • If your moth­er com­pa­ny needs to devel­op the Chi­nese market
  • If you are a free­lancer but can not get the pay­ment from com­pa­ny to company

If you meet any of the con­di­tions men­tioned, it’s a good oppor­tu­ni­ty for your to start your own com­pa­ny in China!

We can help the whole process for you no mat­ter you are in Chi­na or abroad now and we can pro­vide the com­pa­ny reg­is­tra­tion address for you. Then you don’t need rent office in advance.

There are few major company types to choose from:

Wholly Own Foreign Enterprise, Sino-Foreign Joint Venture, Representative office, etc

Generally, the process is custom tailored for your needs and takes approximately 2–3 weeks. The main steps of the Chinese Company Registrations consists of:

  1. Choos­ing Com­pa­ny Name
    Please pro­vide 3–5 Eng­lish names, we can help to trans­late and choose appro­pri­ate Chi­nese name/​character equiv­a­lent. There final deci­sion of the reg­is­tered name is up to the Busi­ness Reg­is­tra­tion Office, so the choic­es pro­vid­ed should be well thought through.
  2. Define Busi­ness Scope
    Busi­ness scope depends on the oper­at­ing indus­try & ser­vices pro­vid­ed by the com­pa­ny, we can pro­vide you with the sam­ple list for rel­e­vant indus­tries exam­ples of scope: Trad­ing / Busi­ness Con­sult­ing / Cul­tur­al and Cre­ative Ser­vices / Design Ser­vices / Health Con­sult­ing / Sports event etc. You should include all cur­rent and future busi­ness activ­i­ties, since that infor­ma­tion is pub­licly acces­si­ble in the Com­pa­ny Reg­is­tra­tion Sys­tem. Please con­tact us for more details.
  3. Choose Reg­is­tered Capital
    Reg­is­tered cap­i­tal amount will be shown on your Busi­ness License and will be a proof of the abil­i­ty for finan­cial respon­si­bil­i­ty as a Com­pa­ny — accept­ed cur­ren­cies are: RMB/USD/EUR, etc. Reg­is­tered Cap­i­tal is a sub­scrip­tion based sys­tem, which does not require to have an imme­di­ate invest­ment, but should be col­lect­ed over peri­od of time, 30 years or longer.

After successful verification of the Company Information & Collection of the data, the next step is to apply for a Chinese Business License & Official Stamps.

To suc­cess­ful­ly apply for a busi­ness license, you need to pass the name + infor­ma­tion col­lec­tion steps.

The busi­ness should have as well the loca­tion — in this case YouWin can pro­vide you with the list of the office part­ners tai­lored to your needs: from shared desk space office — which is per­fect for a start­up, con­sult­ing or art-relat­ed com­pa­nies, to ded­i­cat­ed office space. Feel free to con­tact us if you need any suggestions.

After the doc­u­ments are col­lect­ed — we will help you to go thought the ver­i­fi­ca­tion process. The gen­er­al tim­ing of the whole process which result in obtain­ing busi­ness license is as follows:

  • Step 1: Com­pa­ny Name Approval (approx. 3 work­ing days)
  • Step 2: Com­pa­ny Reg­is­tra­tion Address (approx. 2 work­ing days)
    *reg­is­tra­tion address can be dif­fer­ent that the com­pa­ny office address, it is bound to the dis­trict tax office
  • Step 3: Pre­pare the nec­es­sary list of the doc­u­ments for sign­ing (approx. 1 work­ing day)
    *YouWin will pro­vide the doc­u­ment list & exam­ples based on your com­pa­ny type
  • Step 4: Doc­u­ments sub­mis­sion includ­ing Pass­port of the Legal Own­er of the Com­pa­ny (approx. 1 work­ing day)
  • Step 5: Busi­ness License Col­lec­tion & Issu­ing of the Offi­cial Com­pa­ny Stamps (approx. 5 work­ing days)
    *to legalise all the con­tracts and com­pa­ny legal doc­u­ments, Chi­nese Com­pa­nies have offi­cial “red” stamps that are required not only for labour con­tracts, but also the clients con­tracts, accou­t­ning oper­a­tions and oth­er gov­ern­ment required documents

Open­ing a Com­pa­ny Offi­cial Bank Account is a necce­sary step after optain­ing Busi­ness License to ensure the prop­er oper­a­tion of the com­pa­ny. There are sev­er­al types of the accounts that can be reg­is­tered based on the Com­pa­ny Oper­a­tional needs: 

  1. Basic Chi­nese Com­pa­ny Bank Account
    —this account type is nec­es­sary to legal­ly oper­ate in Chi­na. Com­pa­ny can have only 1 offi­cial bank account. This account is con­nect­ed to the nation-wide tax sys­tem, and the deduc­tion of the tax­es and gov­ern­ment fees are done auto­mat­i­cal­ly via bank­ing sys­tem. This Bank Account Oper­ates in CNY (RMB) and any for­eign cur­ren­cy oper­a­tions are exchanged automatically.
  2. For­eign Cur­ren­cy Chi­nese Com­pa­ny Bank Account
    —addi­tion­al bank account that let you to oper­ate in for­eign cur­ren­cy with­out a need of the instant exchange. If major­i­ty of your oper­a­tions are done in for­eign cur­ren­cy, this type of Chi­nese Com­pa­ny Bank Account let you to oper­ate, store and receive the for­eign pay­ments with­out cur­ren­cy exchange cost.
  3. Cap­i­tal Account
    When you plan to invest or trans­fer the cap­i­tal for run­ning of the com­pa­ny (often at the begin­ing of the set­ting up busi­ness), you should open the Chi­nese Com­pa­ny Cap­i­tal Account. The invest­ed cap­i­tal amount will be kept sep­a­rate­ly in this account, and when there is a need for the insert of the invest­ment cap­i­tal, Com­pa­ny can trans­fer the required amount to the basic account.

The Process: 

  1. Pre­pare required list of doc­u­ments (we will pro­vide you a guide & doc­u­ment list).
  2. Sched­ule appoint­ment with the bank (we will set­up the date and time for the reg­is­tra­tion process)
  3. Pass the office ver­i­fi­ca­tion process (usu­al­ly Bank Rep­re­sen­ta­tive will vis­it reg­is­tered office loca­tion to ver­i­fy the oper­a­tion of the Company)
  4. Sub­mit the Appli­ca­tion in Bank

Time Dura­tion: approx. 5 work­ing days for each account.

What are first steps when you want to open company in China?

  1. Com­pa­ny (In Eng­lish or in Chinese)
  2. Cap­i­tal amount
    (The reg­is­tered cap­i­tal doesn’t need to be actu­al­ly paid in, and there is no Min­i­mum Lim­it)
  3. Busi­ness scope
  4. Infor­ma­tion about share­hold­er / Legal Rep­re­sen­ta­tive / Super­vi­sor: Pass­port Pho­to Page / Phone / E‑mail / Con­tact Address

What are the steps to obtain Business License in China — required documents?

  1. We help for com­pa­ny name approval (About 3 work­ing days
  2. We help apply the address reg­is­tra­tion in down­town (About 2 work­ing days
  3. We help pre­pare the relat­ed doc­u­ments for signing
  4. We help col­lect the busi­ness and offi­cial stamps.

What are the next steps after company registration in China and business license have been completed?

  • Open com­pa­ny basic bank account & USD account (if need)
  • Tax reg­is­tra­tion to choose Gen­er­al tax pay­er or Small scale tax payer
  • Apply invoice key and elec­tron­ic invoice
  • Tax dec­la­ra­tion and account­ing reg­u­lar monthly
  • Tax set­tle­ment and com­mer­cial inspec­tion yearly

How to choose between General VAT taxpayer or Small Scale VAT Taxpayer in China? What are differences?

No. Item VAT Small–Scale Taxpayers
VAT Gen­er­al Taxpayer
1 Appli­ca­tion Criteria
认定条 件
1) Com­pa­ny shall be rat­i­fied as VAT small-scale tax­pay­er when reg­is­tra­tion with no need for sep­a­rate application;
无需申请,公司注册时自动被认定为小规模纳税人;2) The company’s annu­al tax­able sales shall not exceed RMB5 mil­lion.
年应征增值税销售额不得超过人民币 500 万元。
1) The com­pa­ny shall apply for the qual­i­fi­ca­tion of VAT gen­er­al tax­pay­er when its annu­al tax­able sales reach or exceed RMB 5 mil­lion, if not apply, it shall be com­pul­so­ri­ly rat­i­fied as VAT gen­er­al taxpayer;
年应征增值税销售额超过人民币 500 万元,应当申请认定成为一 般纳税人,否则会被强制认定成为一般纳税人;2) New­ly reg­is­tered com­pa­ny or com­pa­ny with annu­al tax­able sales not exceed­ing RMB5 mil­lion can apply for the qual­i­fi­ca­tion of VAT gen­er­al tax­pay­er if it has fixed oper­a­tion place and can pro­vide legal and valid vouch­ers and accu­rate tax fil­ing data.
有固定经营场所、且根据合法、有效凭证核算,能够提供准确税务资料,年应税销售额未超过小规模纳税人标准以及新开业的纳 税人,可以申请一般纳税人资格认定。
2 Tax and Levy Rate
税率与征收 率
The applic­a­ble levy rate is 3%.
征收率为 3%
The applic­a­ble tax rate is divid­ed into four lev­els,13%, 9%, 6% and 0% respec­tive­ly.
税率为 13%,9%,6% 及 0% 四档。
3 Tax Fil­ing Method
纳税申报 方式
VAT and its sur­charges shall be declared on quar­ter­ly basis.
VAT and its sur­charges shall be declared on month­ly basis.
4 Tax Cal­cu­la­tion
Tax­able Sales/(1‑Levy Rate) × Levy Rate.
含税销售额/(1+征收率)× 征收率。
Out­put VAT – Input VAT.
5 Input VAT
Not deductible. The input VAT obtained for pur­chas­ing goods, assets and tax­able ser­vice is not deductible even if VAT spe­cial invoice could be obtained.
Deductible. The input VAT as shown on the VAT spe­cial invoice for pur­chas­ing goods, assets and tax­able ser­vice and the with­hold­ing VAT incurred for remit­ting pay­ments to for­eign com­pa­nies is deductible.
发票所列的增值税可以申请抵扣;对外付汇时代扣代缴的增值税也 可以申请抵扣 。
6 Input VAT Account­ing Treatment
The price and rel­e­vant VAT shall be post­ed into the accounts of assets, costs or expens­es in full amount.
Adopt “price and tax sep­a­rat­ed” pol­i­cy. The price shall be post­ed into the accounts of assets, costs or expens­es, while, the VAT shall be post­ed into the account of tax payable-VAT payable-input VAT, so as to off­set out­put VAT.
7 Issuance of VAT Spe­cial Invoice
1) VAT small-scale tax­pay­er with month­ly sales not exceed­ing RMB30,000 or quar­ter­ly sales not exceed­ing RMB90,000 whose busi­ness scope cov­ers accom­mo­da­tion, con­sul­tan­cy, con­struc­tion, man­u­fac­tur­ing, soft­ware, infor­ma­tion trans­mis­sion, infor­ma­tion tech­nol­o­gy can issued VAT spe­cial invoice by itself;
件业、信息传输业、信息技术服务业,且月销售额超过 10 万或
者季度销售额超过人民币 30 万,可以自行开具增值税专用发票;2) Oth­er com­pa­nies shall need to apply with tax bureau to issue VAT spe­cial invoice;
其他企业要开具增值税专用发票,只能由税务局代开;3) The VAT rate shown on the VAT spe­cial invoice shall be 3% for the invoice either issued by com­pa­ny itself or by tax bureau. 无论是自行开具还是税局代开增值税专用发票,发票上的增值 税税率均为 \3% 。
VAT spe­cial invoice can be issued for goods sell­ing or tax­able ser­vice ren­der­ing and the rates shown on the invoice can be 13%, 9% or 6%.

销售货物或提供应税劳务以及服务可以开具增值税专用发票,增值税专用发票的税率为 13%,9% 或 6% 。 

8 Export Tax Rebate
VAT shall be exempt­ed for export busi­ness and no rebate can be applied.
The applic­a­ble VAT rate is 0% for export busi­ness. Refund can be applied for the input VAT gen­er­at­ed for pur­chas­ing of goods and tax­able ser­vice and the rebate rate or amount of tax refund shall be sub­ject to the cat­e­go­ry of the export­ed goods or service.
出口增值税税率为 0%,购进货物或服务支付的增值税进项税额可以申请退回,退税率或退税额根据实际出口货物类别或服务而定。
9 VAT Pref­er­en­tial Tax Policy
增值 税优惠
1) As at 31 Decem­ber 2020, small and micro enter­pris­es with month­ly sales not exceed­ing RMB100,000 can enjoy VAT exemption;
至 2020 年 12 月 31 日,月销售额不超过人民币 10 万元,小微
企业免征增值税;2) As at 31 Decem­ber 2020, enter­pris­es engag­ing in goods or intan­gi­ble assets sell­ing, repair­ing and oth­er tax­able ser­vice ren­der­ing with month­ly sales not exceed­ing RMB100,000 (quar­ter­ly sales not exceed­ing RMB300,000) can enjoy the VAT exemp­tion. 至 2020 年 12 月 31 日,销售货物或者加工、修理修配劳务月
销售额不超过人民币 3 万元(按季纳税人民币 9 万元),销售
服务、无形资产月销售额不超过 3 万元(按季纳税人民币 9 万 元)的,可分别享受小微企业暂免征收增值税优惠政策。
10 Urban Con­struc­tion Tax Pref­er­en­tial Policy
Urban con­struc­tion tax shall be exempt­ed togeth­er with the exemp­tion of VAT and the exemp­tion cri­te­ria are the same as those for VAT.
11 Sur­charges Tax Pref­er­en­tial Policy
附加费优 惠
Small and micro enter­pris­es with month­ly sales or busi­ness income no more than RMB100, 000 (quar­ter­ly sales or busi­ness income not exceed­ing RMB300,000 for quar­ter­ly fil­ing tax­pay­er) shall be exempt­ed from edu­ca­tion­al sur­charge, local edu­ca­tion­al sur­charge and water con­ser­van­cy and con­struc­tion fund. 月销售额或营业额不超过人民币 10 万元(按季度纳税的季度销售额或营业额不超过人民币 30 万元)的小微企业,免征教育费附加、地
12 Cor­po­rate Income TAX Pref­er­en­tial Policy
In line with the small prof­it enter­pris­es can enjoy pref­er­en­tial poli­cies for cor­po­rate taxes.There are three tax­es rate depends on the total amount of annu­al profits. Annu­al profit<=1000,000 CNY, tax­es rate: 5%
1000,000<=Annual profit<300,000CNY, tax­es rate: 10%
Annu­al profit>300,000CNY, tax­es rate: 25%
13 Applic­a­ble Enterprises
Applic­a­ble to those com­pa­nies which can­not obtain VAT spe­cial invoice and will not issue VAT spe­cial invoice. 未能取得增值税进项专用发票且无需开具增值税专用发票。 Applic­a­ble to those com­pa­nies which
1) need to issue VAT spe­cial invoice; or
2) have large amount of input VAT to off­set out­put VAT; or
3) need to apply for VAT rebate for export business.
Notes 注:
1. Annu­al tax­able sales refer to the accu­mu­lat­ed VAT tax­able sales for no more than 12 con­sec­u­tive months, includ­ing the tax exempt­ed sales.
年应税销售额,是指纳税人在连续不超过 12 个月的经营期内累计应征增值税销售额,包括免税销售额。
2. Recog­ni­tion Con­di­tions for Small and Micro Scale Enterprises
(A)Enterprises with annu­al tax­able income of no more than RMB1 million;
年应纳税所得额低于人民币 100 万元(含 100 万元);且
(B)For man­u­fac­tur­ing enter­pris­es, the employ­ees shall not exceed 100 heads and the total assets lim­it to RMB30 million;

工业企业,从业人数不超过 100 人,资产总额不超过人民币 3,000 万元;或
(C)For oth­er enter­pris­es, the employ­ees shall not exceed 80 heads and the total assets lim­it to RMB10 million.

其他企业,从业人数不超过 80 人,资产总额不超过人民币 1,000 万元。

Accounting Services

Accounting Services

Accounting Services

Accounting Services

Why we differ from other Service Providers and What are benefits of Choosing YouWin Consulting as your Chinese Company Accounting & Operation Service Provider?

Since first opened, YouWin Con­sult­ing helped busi­ness­es to estab­lish and grow in Chi­na. To have a prop­er set­up of the ser­vices & man­age them well, is a chal­lenge, and many busi­ness­es oper­ate in decen­tralised way. This is why we dif­fer from the com­pe­ti­tion: we aim to cen­tralise all the oper­a­tions with­in our office, by selec­tive­ly build­ing a team of pro­fes­sion­als spe­cialised in account­ing, busi­ness, human resources, etc. That allows us to con­trol the process from start to fin­ish in effi­cient way, and lim­its the pro­cess­ing time for the clients. That approach led us to have a loy­al clients base that stay with us over the years and trust us with their com­pa­ny operations.

We developed the dedicated service price point based on your company size. We believe in the young creatives and business entrepreneurs — so we adjust the pricing based on your needs.

  1. Reg­u­lar Process Reminders — your ded­i­cat­ed account man­ag­er will con­tact you reg­u­lar­ly with spec­i­fied instruc­tion of the time and required process­es to fol­low to main­tain prop­er com­pa­ny accounting
  2. High Effi­cien­cy — in 99% of cas­es, the task you required to finalise (trans­fer, invoice issue, doc­u­ment print, bank oper­a­tion) are done with­in the same work­ing day
  3. No Out­sourc­ing — all our process­es are han­dled by ded­i­cat­ed depart­ment in the com­pa­ny: from visa exten­sion, to com­pa­ny ver­i­fi­ca­tion & account­ing process­es, we han­dle all the tasks with­in the com­pa­ny struc­ture, reduc­ing time and mis­takes that can occur when work­ing with outsourcing
  4. Lat­est Pol­i­cy Updates — we keep up to date with lat­est pol­i­cy and require­ments updates and share with the clients, includ­ing the sug­ges­tions for opti­mis­ing and improv­ing effi­cien­cy of your operations
  5. One–Stop–Service — since the process­es are han­dled with­in one organ­i­sa­tion­al struc­ture, there is big improve­ment of com­mu­ni­ca­tion and oper­a­tion time

Each monthChinese Companies are required to submit:
VAT Tax, Corporate Tax, Personal Income Tax.

Our bookkeeping service includes:

  1. Prepa­ra­tion & main­te­nance of the account­ing books
  2. Invoice col­lec­tion & maintenance
  3. Cost col­lec­tion & expense calculation
  4. Month­ly reminders for the doc­u­ments submission
  5. Finan­cial report prepa­ra­tion (Chi­nese & Eng­lish ver­sion available)
  6. Bank month­ly state­ment col­lec­tion & verification
    *Chi­nese com­pa­ny need to sub­mit the offi­cial bank state­ment report togeth­er with the tax, we can help you to col­lect all the infor­ma­tion need­ed, so there is no need for the rep­re­sen­ta­tive to go to the Bank Branch in person

Service Benefits:

  • Each client account will have ded­i­cat­ed accoun­tant for direct con­tact & process management
  • High effi­cien­cy ser­vice — the process­es and reminders are deliv­ered in time­ly man­ner, usu­al­ly with­in the same day
  • Stay­ing up-to-date with the lat­est pol­i­cy updates for Com­pa­nies – any changes in the taxrates, pay­ments or com­pa­ny oper­a­tionpoli­cies are com­mu­ni­cat­ed bilin­gual­ly – with expla­na­tion if needed
  • Cus­tom tax & advi­so­ry — we pro­vide you with cus­tom tax advi­so­ry and cost man­age­ment to improve the over­all rev­enue and cost plan­ning for your long-term operations

Understanding Chinese Invoicing System can be challenging at first: there are 2 types of the Chinese Invoices, General VAT Invoice and Special VAT Invoice.

General Chinese VAT Invoice

Gen­er­al VAT Invoice, also called Stan­dard Fapiao (增值税普通发票) is an invoice usu­al­ly issued by small–scale tax­pay­ers. This invoice have a reduced tax rate, and it resem­bles receipt in for­eign coun­tries. Its for­mat is the same as the Spe­cial VAT Invoice, but the tax is cal­cu­lat­ed dif­fer­ent­ly. With the Gen­er­al Invoice, the VAT tax is not used to claim the Input VAT cred­it to off­set the VAT at the end of the month. Those invoic­es are pop­u­lar among small busi­ness­es and enter­pris­es, and are issued if the com­pa­ny does not exceed 5 mln RMB year­ly. In case of the Gen­er­al Chi­nese VAT Invoice, the tax amount is paid at the end of the tax peri­od, usu­al­ly month­ly or quar­ter­ly. Gen­er­al VAT Invoice is espe­cial­ly use­ful for start­up and small busi­ness, since it have reduced tax rate. It is a per­fect solu­tion for small busi­ness, that can have low­er tax bur­den in the first years or operation.

Special Chinese VAT Invoice

Spe­cial Chi­nese VAT Invoice, also called Spe­cial VAT fapiao (增值税专用发票), is invoice issued by gen­er­al tax­pay­ers. This type of invoice is issued by the Chi­nese TAX Admin­is­tra­tion Bureau (which is a ded­i­cat­ed bureau based on your busi­ness reg­is­tered loca­tion). With Spe­cial VAT Invoice, the VAT the gen­er­al tax­pay­er can claim the Input VAT and use it to off­set the VAT at the end of each month. In case of the paper invoic­es — you have to go direct­ly to the Chi­nese TAX Bureau to claim the invoice, in case of the elec­tron­ic invoic­ing sys­tem, that can be done online — so there are obvi­ous time and man­age­ment ben­e­fits to have the elec­tron­ic invoic­ing sys­tem open for your com­pa­ny. Usu­al­ly issu­ing the Spe­cial VAT invoic­es requires addi­tion­al pro­cess­ing fee for most agen­cies to phys­i­cal­ly col­lect the invoic­es from the Bureau. In case of Spe­cial Chi­nese VAT Fapiao, the tax is paid at the time of the issue — and the tax amount is auto­mat­i­cal­ly deduct­ed from the offi­cial com­pa­ny bank account.

TAX Rates for goods & services in China in 2023:

—for General Taxpayers in China

  • 13% — All oth­er tax­able goods and services
  • 9% — Retail; enter­tain­ment, hotel; restau­rants; cater­ing ser­vices; real estate and con­struc­tion, tele­pho­ny calls;
    postal; trans­port and logistic
  • 6% — Finan­cial ser­vices and insur­ance; tele­pho­ny and inter­net data; IT; tech­nol­o­gy; consulting

—for Small Scale Taxpayers in China

  • 1% — Spe­cial reduced TAX rat for small-scale taxpayers

—Additional Tax

*usu­al­ly not applied to For­eign Companies

  • 3% — Chi­nese Nation­al Edu­ca­tion Tax
  • 2% — Chi­nese Local Edu­ca­tion Tax
  • 7%, 5%, 1% — City Main­te­nance & Construction
  • 3% — Con­struc­tion Services

—Special Luxury Goods Tax in China

*Con­sump­tion tax applies to pre­scribed nonessen­tial and lux­u­ry or resource-inten­sive goods

  • 1%-56% — Includ­ing alco­hol, lux­u­ry cos­met­ics, fuel oil, jew­ellery, motor­cy­cles, motor vehi­cles, petrol, yachts, golf prod­ucts, lux­u­ry watch­es, dis­pos­able wood chop­sticks, tobac­co, cer­tain cell and coat­ing prod­ucts), and it main­ly affects com­pa­nies involved in pro­duc­ing or import­ing these goods. The tax is cal­cu­lat­ed based on the sales val­ue of the goods, the sales vol­ume or a com­bi­na­tion of the two. The pro­por­tion­al con­sump­tion tax rate is from 1% to 56% on the sales rev­enue of the goods. Exports are exempt.

YouWin Consulting Chinese Invoice Service

At YouWin, we can help you to set­up up paper invoic­ing sys­tem (requires spe­cial gov­ern­ment issued invoice machine & main­te­nance fee) or elec­tron­ic invoic­ing sys­tem (one-time open­ing fee for issu­ing both types of invoic­es). Our invoice issu­ing ser­vice ben­e­fits con­sist of:

  1. e‑invoice issu­ing (with­in the same work­ing day)
  2. paper invoice issu­ing (with­in 3 work­ing days)
  3. paper invoice deliv­ery to client office direct­ly (from our office to client office for addi­tion­al deliv­ery fee)
  4. ver­i­fi­ca­tion of invoice and bank state­ment con­sis­ten­cy (cross check the amounts and cor­rect if needed)

If you have any ques­tions about the invoic­ing sys­tem in Chi­na, please feel free to con­sult us. We help to opti­mise the issu­ing process and help you to main­tain the prop­er oper­a­tion of the invoic­ing ser­vices, which is both cost effi­cient and organized.

Corporate Online Banking in China operates according to different rules than in other places in the world.

When you set up your com­pa­ny offi­cial bank account, gen­er­al­ly all of the trans­ac­tions have to autho­rized via ded­i­cat­ed USB key. You will have 2 USB Devices Issued: one for cre­at­ing trans­fer, and one for autho­riza­tion.You will have also bank card issued as a for­eign own busi­ness, but that card pre­vents any deduc­tion oper­a­tion, since its pur­pose it most­ly to use as an authen­ti­ca­tion in the bank to print out state­ment — so there is no pos­si­bil­i­ty for some­body to charge your account using your bank card.

Usu­al­ly the device that “cre­ates” a trans­fer, is with your account­ing com­pa­ny, and the card as well — those two are used for prop­er account­ing man­age­ment. Its up to com­pa­ny own­er to autho­rize any out­go­ing trans­ac­tions from your cor­po­rate account. To sum­ma­rize: the only way to move funds from and into the com­pa­ny account — you need to use the trans­fer as a method.

One more impor­tant infor­ma­tion about bank­ing sys­tem in Chi­na, is that if you receive the pay­ment in for­eign cur­ren­cy, there is actu­al fund release process with­in each bank, that requires pro­vid­ing addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion for the funds to be exchanged and released to your account (since it is in RMB). This requires reg­u­lar vis­its to bank and sched­ul­ing appoint­ments. We pro­vide ser­vice that can make the process of release eas­i­er for you by vis­it­ing the bank branch and man­ag­ing it on our side. As we stat­ed: it is all about efficiency.

In YouWin, we found that for for­eign based com­pa­nies the issue is to actu­al­ly make a trans­fer — since most of the trans­fer data, branch and addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion have to be done in Chi­nese. And if you have a lot of oper­a­tion with your sup­pli­ers, that can be trou­ble­some. That is why part of our pri­ma­ry ser­vice is to sched­ule, main­tain and set­up trans­fers for your com­pa­ny. At the end of each month, you need to do a month­ly rec­on­cil­i­a­tion and print trans­fer receipt & bank state­ments with the offi­cial bank branch stamp. That is required for prop­er­ly clos­ing the account­ing peri­od. For that the com­pa­ny bank card is used to access and ver­i­fy that information.

Our Benefits for Online Banking Management:

  1. Pay­ments (includ­ing the salary, cost & oth­ers) done in the same work­ing day
  2. No wast­ing time in the bank to print out the month­ly statements
  3. No issue with wrong trans­fer details in Chinese
  4. Easy oper­a­tion & communication
  5. We help you to main­tain sta­ble rela­tion­ship with your bank also by prop­er­ly struc­tur­iz­ing your trans­fers with descrip­tions, and inform­ing you about any oth­er activ­i­ty or cost regard­ing your bank operation
  6. Easy process of release inter­na­tion­al trans­fer funds with addi­tion­al fee

Human Resources (Employees) management in China requires few steps for the registration, maintenance and social insurance payments to function properly.

For each of your for­eign or Chi­nese employ­ee, there is a process to open spe­cial Gov­ern­ment Insur­ance Account. The part of the man­age­ment process is to prop­er­ly edit/​update & add infor­ma­tion to the Chi­nese Com­pa­ny Social Insur­ance Account & Com­pa­ny Hous­ing Fund Account. The sys­tem if ful­ly in Chi­nese, so to bet­ter stream­line the process­es for your com­pa­ny, we can pro­vide you with the serivce to ful­ly man­age the account and changes accord­ing to your com­pa­ny needs and growth.

The social insur­ance in Chi­na rates vary based on the city, but usu­al­ly con­sists of 5 manda­to­ry insur­ance schemes (pen­sion fund, med­ical insur­ance, indus­tri­al injury insur­ance, unem­ploy­ment insur­ance, and mater­ni­ty insur­ance) + a hous­ing fund (only applic­a­ble to Chi­nese employees).

Our Benefits for Managing your Human Resources:

  1. Easy process to open and man­age com­pa­ny hous­ing fund
  2. Effi­cient edit­ing of the employ­ee infor­ma­tion in the com­pa­ny hous­ing fund system
  3. Prop­er cal­cu­la­tion of the spe­cif­ic insur­ance tax month­ly (based on salary & regulations)
  4. Salary man­age­ment (adjust­ment of the base salary, noti­fi­ca­tion of the salary changes or any addi­tion­al human resources costs based on Gov­ern­ment regulations)
  5. Ded­i­cat­ed con­sul­tant for your HR man­age­ment relat­ed tax & insur­ance accounts

There are 2 obligatory inspections that need to be done yearly to verify that the China based Company operates according to China Law & Regulations:

—Annual Company Operational Inspection

The Annu­al Indus­tri­al and Com­mer­cial Inspec­tion is an annu­al report sub­mit­ted to Com­merce Admin­is­tra­tion Bureau with­in spec­i­fied time lim­it (before end of June every year). That report will include the con­tri­bu­tions made by the share­hold­ers of the com­pa­ny, com­pa­ny assets sta­tus, inven­to­ry, etc. The annu­al report is oblig­a­tory to make sure, that the com­pa­ny oper­ates accord­ing to Law & Reg­u­la­tions of the Chi­nese Com­merce Sys­tem, and com­pa­ny is ful­ly respon­si­ble for the authen­tic­i­ty and legit­i­ma­cy of the report. More­over, the Com­mer­cial Depart­ment of Chi­na will con­duct a ran­dom spot check on the con­tents of the annu­al report pub­lished by the company.

—Annual Tax Settlement & Inspection

After the end of the year, tax shall be levied on the tax­able income of the whole year at the tax rate spec­i­fied in the tax law. In order to ensure the time­ly and bal­anced col­lec­tion of tax­es, the com­pa­ny usu­al­ly pay tax­es in advance via month­ly or quar­ter­ly tax peri­od. The tax will be cal­cu­lat­ed in a year­ly basis, and refund­ed for excess or sup­ple­ments for insuf­fi­cient tax pay­ment. The time­line for the Year­ly Tax Set­tle­ment sub­mis­sion is April every year.

YouWin Provide comprehensive Tax Export Refund Service to help companies to reduce tax burden and speed up growth. For the company to be able to cleaim the refund, we need to go through the following process:

  1. Import and export oper­a­tion right [“For­eign Busi­ness Oper­a­tor Fil­ing Reg­is­tra­tion Form”
    or For­eign Invest­ment Approval Receipt]
  2. Cus­toms reg­is­tra­tion [Cus­toms reg­is­tra­tion accep­tance receipt]
  3. Reg­is­tra­tion of exter­nal management
  4. Bank reg­is­tra­tion [Account Open­ing License]
  5. Export tax refund (exemp­tion) fil­ing form [Notice of Tax-relat­ed Matters]
  6. The first on-site ver­i­fi­ca­tion of export business

Export tax rebate calculation method

Small-scale tax­pay­ers: Exemp­tion - Export sales are exempt from VAT, and the input part is non-cred­itable and non-refund­able.

For­eign trade enter­pris­es: Exemp­tion, refund - export sales are exempt from VAT, and spe­cial VAT invoic­es used for export and cer­ti­fied in the cur­rent peri­od are sub­ject to tax refund.

Pro­duc­tion-ori­ent­ed enter­pris­es: Exemp­tion, cred­it, refund - export sales are exempt from VAT, all input tax in the cur­rent peri­od and the tax payable by the enter­prise in the cur­rent peri­od are deduct­ed, and the inex­haustible part of the tax refund is deduct­ed.

Tax Refund Calculation Example

The state will refund the val­ue-added tax or con­sump­tion tax already paid by the enter­prise in the domes­tic pro­duc­tion and cir­cu­la­tion of the goods declared and depart­ed from the country
For exam­ple: a for­eign trade enter­prise acquires a total of 100 tons of prod­uct A, 10 yuan per ton, a total price and tax of 1130 yuan, (invoice price 1000, out­put 130), all export, price 1500 yuan. Prod­uct A: The refund tax rate is 9%.
Exemp­tion: The export price of 1500 yuan of for­eign trade enter­pris­es is not sub­ject to VAT
Tax refund: The state refunds the tax of for­eign trade enter­pris­es 100 × 10×9% = 90 yuan
(Levy and refund dif­fer­ence 1000 × (13%-9%) = 40 yuan For­eign trade enter­pris­es count costs, for­eign trade enter­pris­es earn
1500−1000−40 yuan = 460 yuan)

*Focus: Details of information required for on-site verification

  1. Busi­ness license and com­pa­ny name­plate.
  2. Employ­ee list, indi­vid­ual income tax with­hold­ing list, social secu­ri­ty pay­ment notice.
  3. If the actu­al place of busi­ness is self-pur­chased, pro­vide a real estate cer­tifi­cate; If it is a lease, pro­vide the lease con­tract, the lessors real estate cer­tifi­cate, and the rent invoice.
  4. Bal­ance sheet for the lat­est peri­od.
  5. The first export busi­ness dec­la­ra­tion form, input invoice, export invoice.
  6. Pur­chase and sale con­tracts, pay­ment vouch­ers, domes­tic trans­porta­tion doc­u­ments, freight for­ward­ing vouch­ers (tal­ly costs) cor­re­spond­ing to the first export busi­ness. Customs Clear­ance Fees. Trans­porta­tion costs, etc.), bills of exchange, bills of lad­ing, load­ing bills for export goods (payable to ship­ping com­pa­ny doc­u­ments).

Other Services

Other Services

Other Services

Other Services

Protect your brand & products with trademark in over 100 countries with YouWin!

When your com­pa­ny is pro­duc­ing the unique prod­ucts that needs pro­tec­tion from copy­ing or repro­duc­ing by oth­er, trade­mark is a solu­tion for you to pro­tect and quick­ly occu­py the new mar­kets around the world. YouWin Trade­mark Pro­tec­tion Ser­vice cov­ers over 100 coun­tries and regions around the world.

In stan­dard process, the cus­tomer will select the coun­try or region that he would like to reg­is­ter the trade­mark for, then we will pro­vide the list of the doc­u­ments and rel­e­vant infor­ma­tion to fill in, we will sub­mit the appli­ca­tion and work with the rel­e­vant agency to review the appli­ca­tion data. In case any prob­lems are found, our rep­re­sen­ta­tive will con­tact the cus­tomer for nec­es­sary adjust­ments and con­fir­ma­tion of changes.

The process of trade­mark reg­is­tra­tion can vary, but usu­al­ly is quite lengthy, and we will con­tin­u­al­ly fol­low the progress appli­ca­tion and fol­low up to make sure, that every­thing is going in time­ly manner.

Required Documents:

  • Trade name and scope of use
  • Copy of busi­ness license or owner’s passport

Process Overview:

  • Ver­i­fi­ca­tion of the trade­mark reg­is­tra­tion data (*if the sim­i­lar trade­mark was reg­is­tered before)
  • Doc­u­ment Ver­i­fi­ca­tion & Submission
  • Review from Trade­mark Office
  • In Chi­na: Issue Tem­po­rary Certificate
  • In Chi­na: Issue Orig­i­nal Cer­tifi­cate after Pub­lic Notice Period
  • For Chi­na Offi­cial Trade­mark Reg­is­tra­tion, it usu­al­ly takes 9–12 months to get the trade­mark registered.

Hong Kong is an international financial hub, a perfect link for the trade operations linking China and rest of the world.

We pro­vide you with the ser­vice of the Hong Kong Com­pa­ny reg­is­tra­tion, to be able to improve your inter­na­tion­al trad­ing pos­si­bil­i­ties. Hong Kong is an impor­tant inter­na­tion­al finan­cial cen­ter, with a per­fect bank­ing sys­tem, free cap­i­tal access and a flex­i­ble cap­i­tal oper­a­tion plat­form. The choice of the name and busi­ness scope of Hong Kong com­pa­nies is very free. The com­pa­ny has few tax types and low tax rate, which is con­ve­nient for over­seas investors to live and work in Hong Kong.


  • Com­pa­ny Name (CHI­NESE NAME and ENG­LISH NAME) + Prod­uct name
  • Iden­ti­ty Cer­tifi­cate (ID card two sides scan/​Pass­port scan + hold your ID card/​passport and take a photo)
  • Address Proof (cred­it card state­ments office Rent con­tract Or Prop­er­ty own­er­ship cer­tifi­cate Or Dri­ving license)
  • Busi­ness Plan (We will pro­vide template)
  • KYC CHART (We will pro­vide the chart, and you just fill in it)
  • Let­ter of Attor­ney for Reg­is­tra­tion (We will pro­vide the chart, and you just fill in it)


  1. Pro­vide infor­ma­tion and sign documents;
  2. Sub­mit reg­is­tra­tion application;
  3. Col­lect the license and seals;
  4. It takes 5–8 work­ing days to com­plete the process

CBI United States Bank Account Opening

The over­seas account we opened is main­ly CBI bank account. CBI Bank is a licensed com­mer­cial bank in the Unit­ed States, which sup­ports the pro­vi­sion of one-stop cross-bor­der finan­cial ser­vices in euros, dol­lars, off­shore and indi­vid­u­als, includ­ing off­shore RMB and oth­er inter­na­tion­al main­stream currencies.


  1. All pass­port pages scanning;
  2. Com­pa­ny busi­ness licence scan;
  3. Per­son­al bank state­ment of recent 6 months (with address);
  4. Fill the infor­ma­tion form (we provide)


  • Pro­vide infor­ma­tion and sign documents;
  • Sub­mit documents;
  • Video inter­view with Bank Representative;
  • Get the bank account num­ber and bank keys;
  • It will take 5–10 work­ing days.

We provide the service of the translation & certification of your documents.

In com­pa­ny oper­a­tion & HR process­es, we often need to have doc­u­ments and cer­tifi­cates ver­i­fied and nota­rized. Those doc­u­ments are often required as a part of the appli­ca­tion process: to receive the prop­er Work Per­mit Cat­e­go­ry, to reg­is­ter a com­pa­ny, to ver­i­fy the own­er­ship, etc.

We pro­vide over­seas aca­d­e­m­ic cer­ti­fi­ca­tion ser­vices. In addi­tion, we also pro­vide nota­riza­tion ser­vices for your edu­ca­tion in Chi­na and your crim­i­nal record in Chi­na. Rel­e­vant mate­ri­als can be trans­lat­ed into dif­fer­ent form and cer­ti­fied / autho­rized accord­ing to your needs and appli­ca­tion process.


  1. Pro­vide required documents;
  2. Pay the cer­ti­fi­ca­tion fee;
  3. Get the result of certification.
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