China Business License is a collection of insightful articles that guide you through the process of obtaining and maintaining a business license in China. Whether you are planning to set up a wholly foreign-owned enterprise, a joint venture, a representative office, or a branch office in China, you will need to apply for a business license from the relevant authorities. A business license is a legal document that certifies your business identity, scope, and location in China. It is also required for opening a bank account, hiring employees, paying taxes, and conducting other business activities in China. China Business License covers all the steps and requirements for obtaining and renewing a business license in China, such as the pre-approval procedures, the application documents, the registration fees, the annual inspection, and the changes or cancellation of the license. You will also find useful tips and best practices on how to avoid common pitfalls and mistakes when applying for a business license in China. China Business License is your go-to source for reliable and authoritative information on how to get and keep a business license in China.