China Company Registration is a collection of insightful articles that guide you through the process and requirements of registering a business entity in China. Whether you are looking for information on the different types of company structures that are suitable for foreign investors, such as the WFOE, the JV, or the RO, or you want to learn more about the legal, financial, and operational aspects of registering and managing a business in China, such as the company name, the registered capital, or the annual compliance, you will find valuable insights and analysis from experts and practitioners in this collection. China Company Registration covers a wide range of topics, from the market entry strategies and feasibility studies, to the business licenses and permits, to the accounting and auditing, and more. You will also find updates on the latest developments and trends in China’s company registration environment, such as the impact of the new Foreign Investment Law, the simplification of the registration procedures, or the incentives and preferential policies for foreign investors. China Company Registration is your go-to source for reliable and authoritative information on China’s company registration process and requirements.