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If you are plan­ning to study in Chi­na in 2023, you will need to apply for a Chi­nese stu­dent visa. A stu­dent visa is a type of entry per­mit that allows you to enter and stay in Chi­na for the dura­tion of your edu­ca­tion pro­gram. Depend­ing on the length and nature of your study, you may need to apply for dif­fer­ent types of stu­dent visas. In this arti­cle, we will explain the require­ments and pro­ce­dures for apply­ing for Chi­nese stu­dent visas in 2023, as well as answer some fre­quent­ly asked questions.

What are the types of Chinese student visas?

There are two types of Chi­nese stu­dent visas for which you can apply, depend­ing on the dura­tion of your edu­ca­tion pro­gram. Stu­dent visa types include X1 and X2.

  • X1 visa is a long-term visa grant­ed to stu­dents who want to stay in Chi­na for longer than six months. You can apply for this visa if you wish to study under­grad­u­ate, grad­u­ate, or post­grad­u­ate stud­ies. This visa allows repeat­ed entries and is valid for up to five years.
  • X2 visa is a short-term visa grant­ed to stu­dents who want to stay in Chi­na for less than six months. You can apply for this visa if you wish to study short-term cours­es, such as lan­guage cours­es, sum­mer schools, or exchange pro­grams. This visa allows sin­gle or dou­ble entries and is valid for up to six months.

What are the requirements for applying for a Chinese student visa?

To apply for a Chi­nese stu­dent visa, you will need to pre­pare the fol­low­ing documents:

  1. A valid pass­port with at least six months of remain­ing valid­i­ty and at least two blank visa pages.
  2. A com­plet­ed online visa appli­ca­tion form (COVA) with a recent pass­port-sized pho­to. You can fill out the form online at https://​cova​.cs​.mfa​.gov​.cn and print out the con­fir­ma­tion page and the appli­ca­tion form.
  3. A proof of admis­sion from a Chi­nese edu­ca­tion­al insti­tu­tion, such as an admis­sion let­ter or a JW201 or JW202 form.
  4. A proof of finan­cial sup­port, such as a bank state­ment, a schol­ar­ship let­ter, or a spon­sor­ship let­ter from your par­ents or relatives.
  5. A health cer­tifi­cate, if you are apply­ing for an X1 visa. You will need to under­go a phys­i­cal exam­i­na­tion at an autho­rized hos­pi­tal and sub­mit the orig­i­nal and pho­to­copy of the health certificate.
  6. Oth­er sup­port­ing doc­u­ments, depend­ing on your spe­cif­ic sit­u­a­tion. For exam­ple, if you are under 18 years old, you will need to pro­vide a birth cer­tifi­cate and a con­sent let­ter from your par­ents or guardians. If you have pre­vi­ous­ly stud­ied or worked in Chi­na, you will need to pro­vide a pho­to­copy of your pre­vi­ous Chi­nese visa or res­i­dence permit.

How to apply for a Chinese student visa?

To apply for a Chi­nese stu­dent visa, you will need to fol­low these steps:

  1. Sched­ule an appoint­ment online for sub­mit­ting your appli­ca­tion at the Chi­nese embassy or con­sulate in your coun­try. You can make an appoint­ment at https://​avas​.cs​.mfa​.gov​.cn and print out the vouch­er for appointment.
  2. Sub­mit your appli­ca­tion on-site at the appoint­ed time at the Chi­nese embassy or con­sulate. You will need to bring your orig­i­nal and pho­to­copy of all the required doc­u­ments, as well as pay the visa fee. The fee varies depend­ing on your nation­al­i­ty and visa type.
  3. Col­lect your pass­port and visa after pro­cess­ing. You will be noti­fied when your visa is ready for col­lec­tion. You can either col­lect it in per­son or by mail, depend­ing on the option you choose when applying.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to process a Chi­nese stu­dent visa?

The pro­cess­ing time for a Chi­nese stu­dent visa depends on the work­load of the embassy or con­sulate, as well as your nation­al­i­ty and visa type. Gen­er­al­ly, it takes about four work­ing days for reg­u­lar ser­vice, two work­ing days for express ser­vice, and one work­ing day for rush ser­vice. How­ev­er, these are only esti­mates and may vary depend­ing on indi­vid­ual cases.

How ear­ly can I apply for a Chi­nese stu­dent visa?

You can apply for a Chi­nese stu­dent visa up to three months before your intend­ed date of entry. How­ev­er, you should not apply too ear­ly, as the valid­i­ty of your visa will start from the date of issue, not from the date of entry. You should also con­sid­er the valid­i­ty of your admis­sion let­ter and health cer­tifi­cate when applying.

How long can I stay in Chi­na with a stu­dent visa?

The dura­tion of stay for a Chi­nese stu­dent visa depends on your visa type and the entry and exit dates stamped on your pass­port. Gen­er­al­ly, an X1 visa allows you to stay in Chi­na for up to five years, while an X2 visa allows you to stay in Chi­na for up to six months. How­ev­er, you will need to apply for a res­i­dence per­mit with­in 30 days of arrival if you have an X1 visa, which will replace your visa as the legal doc­u­ment for your stay in China.

Can I work or intern in Chi­na with a stu­dent visa?

No, you can­not work or intern in Chi­na with a stu­dent visa, as it is only valid for study pur­pos­es. If you want to work or intern in Chi­na, you will need to apply for a work visa (Z) or an intern­ship visa (F) respec­tive­ly. How­ev­er, you may be able to par­tic­i­pate in some part-time or off-cam­pus activ­i­ties that are relat­ed to your study, such as teach­ing assist­ant­ships, research projects, or cul­tur­al exchanges, with the per­mis­sion of your school and the local pub­lic secu­ri­ty bureau.


  1. Embassy of the Peo­ple’s Repub­lic of Chi­na in the Unit­ed States of Amer­i­ca | Require­ments and Pro­ce­dures for Chi­nese Visa Appli­ca­tion (Updat­ed in March ‚2023)
  2. Bei­jing | Guide­lines for Appli­ca­tion for Stu­dent Visas to Chi­na (X1/X2)
  3. Vis​aGuide​.World | Chi­na Stu­dent Visa – Eli­gi­bil­i­ty & Requirements
  4. Curi­oto­ry | Your Com­pre­hen­sive Guide to Chi­na Stu­dent Visas in 2023
  5. DR SCHOL­ARS | How to get Chi­na Study visa 2023/2024, UPDATED!
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